Kriya Kundalini Yoga In Rishikesh
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Kriya Kundalini Yoga In Rishikesh

Courses in Yogasth Vidya Rishikesh

Kriya Kundalini yoga is a holistic science of yoga. It is an amalgamation of the two most popular branches of yoga “Kriya yoga and kundalini yoga” There are various systems of yoga, such as hatha yoga, raja yoga, dhyana yoga, bhakti yoga, mantra yoga, etc…

Kriya kundalini yoga is a combination of all these yogas and is the finest system in the present time to cater to the needs of individuals today. Kriya kundalini yoga is propagated by urban yogi “MAHA GURU YOGI BUDDHADEVA” Today yoga is very popular, everybody knows something about it. Also, people today are familiar with words like kundalini, tantra, consciousness, enlightenment, etc…

I think everybody should know about kundalini, the potential force residing in human organisms. And anybody without exception must go for awakening kundalini. And kriya yoga together with kundalini yoga is the most powerful, feasible, convenient, and desired system of yoga in present times.

Kriya Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh

Kriya Kundalini Yoga

A powerful system of higher yogic and meditative kriyas best suited for modern times which promises

Perfect health     Peace of mind    Blissful living   

The Kriya Yoga , Kundalini Yoga and other branches of yoga are independently recognized and taught all over the world .Yogi Buddhadeva , the propounder and expounder of Sri Yogasth Vidya—the Supreme science of yoga and the ultimate key to bring out the infinite and unfold the powerful being within you . He brings to the people of this age the science of Kriya Kundalini Yoga which is the main pillar of Sri Yogasth Vidya also known as Dev Kriyas . He has formulated many meditative and yogic kriyas & made them simple enough for people to assimilate in their lives . Yogi Buddhadeva is known as Kriya Creator Yogi and is an encyclopedia of spirituality in Himself . By amalgamating the scientific , meditative practices from various spiritual realms like Veda ,Upnishads , Tantra , Kriya-yoga , Kundalini Yoga , Raja Yoga etc. & the direct revelation to him in his deep meditative states , THE SCIENCE OF KRIYA KUNDALINI YOGA IS PRESENTED FOR THE PEOPLE LIVING IN PRESENT CHALLENGING TIME. Now the Teacher Training Course in Kriya Kundalini Yoga is brought to aspiring students to become the authentic teacher in this very science and spread the knowledge and wisdom to the world . This course is divided into 3-5 levels for the effective evolution of the students . He keeps updating and modifying the practices for highest benefit of mankind of this era .

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Kriya Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh Initiation

Kriya Kundalini Yoga Initiation is one of the main deeksha , Yogi Buddhadeva gives to his sadhakas(students) . Kriya Kundalini Yoga is essentially a science of transforming consciousness , perceptions ,normal understanding and unfolding the potentials within you . Kriya Kundalini Yoga Initiation is a must and indispensable spiritual ceremony for everyone on this path & brings a sustained , guided and protected evolution & transformation of one’s consciousness and other changes so that the sadhaka can withstand the activations & awakening of chakras and kundalini energy while maintaining the normal life rhythems.

This Kriya Kundalini Yoga Initiation happens twice a year:-


  • It facilitates living spontaneously to the fullest and fulfilling your desires in light of divine desires
  • When wisdom awakens clarity of thought and vision comes
  • WILL becomes strong, you come to an ease of life and live effortlessly
  • Science of raising human consciousness which implies
  • Awakening of Wisdom
  • Development of Potentials
  • Development of Creativity
  • Development of Skills.
  • Aims directly for
  • Raising one’s awareness
  • Opening psychic centers(chakras)
  • Bringing healing effect to the mind and body
  • Helping the practitioner to realize his own self
  • Most scientific technique for the evolution of mankind and save humanity from misfortune and destruction
  • Nice amalgamation of Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Dhyana Yoga for the blissful life and spiritual growth of human beings
  • Essence of all the schools of yoga and is different and unique in its own way
  • Science of higher yoga, or we can also say that it is the science of Soul
  • Fastest and surest way for self realization

Learn Kriya Kundalini Yoga online with our teacher :-

  • It is the second best option to learn this science. The best way is to learn it in person because of the live energy transfer(Biofeedback) between teacher and student
  • One of our teachers will take a personal class/group class with the student on Skype
  • This will be an Interactive class in which teacher and student will interact with each other
  • Both way communication facilitate clearing of doubts and thus results in better grasp of the subject
  • All you need is a Laptop, phone or tablet using which you can communicate with teacher
  • All classes are live classes because a prerecorded video can never be a replacement of a live teacher
Kriya Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh

Purpose of kriya kundalini Yoga

Transformation is the purpose. Yes, a total transformation takes place in one’s life. The quality of your experiences and perceptions change to a higher degree. By practicing kriya kundalini yoga one’s mind undergoes a complete change. One’s priorities and attachments also change. One develops a completely new vision of life, and life flows into a continuous expression of wisdom bliss, and creativity.

Kriya kundalini yoga is an entirely new concept in Modern-day spiritual life. This is a path for all. People are of different calibre, quality, and nature. Kriya Kundalini Yoga offers a unique aspirants-friendly approach. Whether you are Rajasik, Tamsik or Satvik, Kriya Kundalini yoga is for you to reach the zenith of your spiritual evolution.

Kriya Kundalini Yoga In Rishikesh - Benefits

Kriya Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh

Kriya kundalini yoga offers many spiritual as well as material benefits. It works on your whole being and brings transformative positive change in your psychological, physical, and emotional personality.

  • one’s physical, mental, and psychic forces are designed to make you a yogasth man, a yogasth yogi.
  • one’s concentration develops and awareness reaches to a higher degree.
  • Your fears, phobias, anxiety, depression, false ideas, conditioning, and preconceived motions wither away gradually.
  • Mind calms down and emotions like anger, lust, hatred, jealousy, etc. go away naturally
  • A twenty-four hours a day of restfulness and relaxation is induced.
  • A dynamic, action-oriented meditative awareness becomes part of your being.
  • One’s perception changes positively and focus becomes sharp.
  • Your intellect and intelligence sharpen to a fuller capacity.
  • One becomes more intuitive. Your intuition and inner vision become part of your life.
  • As kriya is an effortless effort one attains an untiring vigour, stamina and pran shakti You become full of zeal, enthusiasm and energy
  • Human potentials are developed and one becomes skilled, creative and playful.
  • As Kundalini rises through Kriya practices one attains excellence in one’s work and action.
  • Kriya kundalini yoga is the surest and easiest method of transcending the mind, liberating oneself, and attaining enlightenment, moksha, nirvana and an uninterrupted happiness, bliss and peace comes in one’s life.
Kriya Kundalini Yoga in Rishikesh


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