Kriya Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course Level 1
Next batch for Online “Kriya Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course Level 1” , Course Will start On:
Introduction session: 23th (Friday)
Note: The regular classes will commence from the first week of August 2021
Class duration: 1.5 hr
Total Classes: 16 (with Yogi Buddhadeva and his Team)
Energy Exchange Fee: Rs 40,000/ 800 USD
the energy exchange: for students who have already practised some kriyas under our authentic teacher (Yogi jnana Param) Rs 32,000 / 640 USD i.e. with (20% discount)
Location: Online (Zoom)
Language: Hindi / English
Eligibility: Anyone above the age of 18 and having ability to comprehend the subject matter and is normally healthy
All Yoga teachers/ Healers/ Counsellors etc.
The final decision of admission of a student for this course is subject to Guru Ji’s APPROVAL
( Right of admission is RESERVED)
For further details, send a WhatsApp message to: +91- 8557861163
Account number:- 005801016003
Account Type: Saving
Account holder’s name:- DEEPESH KUMAR GAUTAM
IFSC Code :- ICIC0001596

A powerful system of higher yogic and meditative kriyas best suited for modern times which promises
Perfect health Peace of mind Blissful living Self Transformation Higher Awareness
The Kriya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and many other branches of yoga are independently recognized and taught all over the world. Yogi Buddhadeva, the propounder, and expounder of Sri Yogasth Vidya—the Supreme science of yoga which is the ultimate key to bring out the infinite and unfold the powerful being within you brings to the people of this age the science of Kriya Kundalini Yoga, also known as Dev Kriyas which is the main pillar of Sri Yogasth Vidya. He has designed and formulated many meditative and yogic kriyas & made them simple enough for the people to assimilate into their lives for energy transformation, blissful living and higher awareness .
Yogi Buddhadeva is known as Kriya Creator Yogi and is an encyclopedia of spirituality in Himself. By amalgamating the scientific, meditative practices from various spiritual realms like Veda, Upnishads, Tantra, Kriya-yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Raja Yoga, etc. and the direct revelations to him in his deep meditative states, THE SCIENCE OF KRIYA KUNDALINI YOGA IS NOW PRESENTED FOR THE PEOPLE LIVING IN PRESENT DAY TURBULENT AND CHALLENGING TIMES. Now the Teacher Training Course in Kriya Kundalini Yoga is brought to aspiring students to become the authentic teacher in this very science and spread the knowledge and wisdom to the world. He keeps updating and modifying the practices for the highest benefit of mankind of this era. The importance and value of yoga is already well recognized, now is the time to go deep into this science and explore ways to raise human consciousness and develop human potentials to the maximum. YOGI JI perfectly believes that the science of yoga will advance further and KRIYA KUNDALINI YOGA WILL BE THE BUZZ OF HUMAN RACE and will unite the world in various ways. KRIYA KUNDALINI YOGA TEACHING will be high in demand and will guide and direct the present and future generations for BEING YOGASTH . One can make a carrier in this science and take it as a profession for attaining material success and spiritual growth both together and can become a symbol of YOGASTHATA . The KRIYA KUNDALINI YOGA TEACHERS will blast the world with …….

Main Features:
- Meaning and Introduction
- Tools and methodology
- Philosophy, Psychology and Science
- Understanding Kundalini phenomenon
- Busting myths and doubts
- The secrets Revealed
- Discussion on Spiritual Topics of Concern
- Future of Kriya Kundalini yoga
- Kriya Kundalini Yoga teaching (as a career)
- Practical Sessions of Kriyas and Saadhnas
- Initiation ( DEEKSHA)
Note: the student should know that they would be able to teach only after having done level 1 and level 2.
Shiwani: 8557861163
yogasth Vidya Rishikesh: 8360657361
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