Yogi Buddhadev in his meditative state conceived and created many deekshas/attunement as per the direction from highest consciousness as revealed to him. Yogi Buddhadeva is an energetic, young and multidimensional personality. He is a self-realized spiritual guru and an enlightened being....
Deeksha is a special ceremony in which a Guru initiates a student to evolve and empowers him/her to unfold his potentials to move in the direction of his very purpose in life. Also, a particular Deeksha graces one to have those...
Reiki & Karma Healing brings a change in a lot of ways that helps us survive bad times, gain greater success in good times & have strength at all times. In the journey of life, Reiki is a good friend &...
What is Past Life Regression? Regression means to go back. To understand what term-Past Life means, a few spiritual facts need to be put together. Time is easily divided into three parts. The absolute present, the future full of realities born...
Meditation Maya or the illusion of manifestation was created to organize the world we live in. It was given great convincing prowess so that one and all get attached to it. Meditation is the science, art & philosophy of connecting to...
Join us Live at our Youtube Channel: YOGASTH FOUNDATION Date: 12-11-2020 Time: 6 PM (IST) Location : Youtube Live Channel: YOGASTH FOUNDATION Link for the Live Session: https://youtu.be/tXmWpsDOiQI For more details: CONTACT: Shiwani : 8557861163 yogasth Vidya Rishikesh : 8360657361 Email:...