The Science of Soul- Karma- Reincarnation & Past Life Regression DATE: 11-03-2021 TIME: 6:30- 8 PM (IST) LANGUAGE : HINDI- ENGLISH VENUE: ONLINE (ZOOM) ENERGY EXCHANGE: 2000 INR (for Indians) 40 $(for foreign Nationals) For any query Whatsapp: +91-8557861163 ACCOUNT DETAILS:...
Yogasth bhava. Reiki, the healing energy, it usually said and it is a general belief among the people that the Reiki healing energy is faith energy before I say something about Reiki I would like to mention, I would like to...
MEETING MYSELF by “Aatmanum” this blog is written by” Aatmanum” who went through the wonderful experience Not much time has passed, when I used to witness myself as a VICTIM!! Victim of situations, victim of betrayal, victim of emotional abuse, victim...
Reiki Reiki is a Divine life force energy. Reiki is a universal life force energy, where universal is “RE” and life force energy is “KI”. Reiki is a universal energy. Reiki is a life force energy. Reiki is positive energy. Reiki is...
What is Reiki? The word Reiki is the unification of two words ‘Rei’ and ‘Ki’ meaning spiritually influenced life force energy. Reiki can be simply defined as an advanced and highly superior technique that influences the construction and networking of the...